Talent4film is the most advanced global online talent-job marketplace for the entertainment, media & creative industry. This platform facilitates the hiring process in the entertainment, media & creative industry by using the latest online technologies/tools to aggregate , sort & filter search to precision both the jobs & the talents by connecting them together. We try our utmost to protect the privacy of both the talent & the recruiter & give them a seamless experience on our platform.
Talents can add pictures,audios,videos,audition showreels, bio-data, documents etc. to their profile & get noticed by top recruiters.
Recruiters can post their specific job/talent requirements & let the suitable talents apply to them.
Use our advanced manual search & filter tools yourself to zero down on specific jobs / talents that you are looking for.
Let our automatic search engine suggest you the jobs / talents totally suitable to your specific requirements.
You can choose whether you want to keep your profile public or private.
We are giving our services totally free to both the talents & the recruiters as of now.
Fashion Designer
Job Code : T4F0276
Fashion Designer
Job Code : T4F0275
Standup Comedian
Job Code : T4F0272
Event Management Professional
Job Code : T4F0271
Dance Choreographer
Job Code : T4F0269
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